Micro Short Film Contest “Historias de la Navidad de Vigo en 90 segundos”
Award to the Best Micro Short Film
“Para Alba”, de Manuel Enrique Conde Barrios
Second Prize for de Best Micro Short Film
“Navidad sin frenos”, de Alberto Montull
Award to the most original Micro Short Film
“Anomalía”, de Eduardo Armada
Award to the Best Micro Short Film from an audiovisual school
“El regalo”, de Yoel Alonso
Second Prize for the Best Micro Short Film from an audiovisual school
“Mudanza”, de Luca Rodríguez Bastero
“Re: Nadal”, de An Ni He
Award to the Best Micro Short Film by an author from outside Galicia
“Noches de Navidad en Vigo”, de Valsan George
Award to the Best Micro Short made by a minor
“Donde vive la Navidad”, de Silvia Martínez Rodríguez
Second Prize to the Best Micro Short made by a minor
“Aperta no Nadal”, del Colexio Monterrey 3ºESO
Audience Award to the most voted Micro Short on our Instagram channel
“Skate navideño”, de Raúl Quintas Ion
Award for th Best Animation Micro Short Film
No Award
Título del microcorto
Director: País: Año:
Título del microcorto
Director: País: Año:
Título del microcorto
Director: País: Año:
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